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Butterflies released at funerals and memorials can be
very therapeutic to the mourning process.

butterflies for funeral or memorial

As you release this butterfly in honor of me,
know that I'm with you and will always be.

Hold a hand, say a prayer,
close your eyes and see me there.

Although you may feel a bit torn apart,
please know that I'll be forever in your heart.

Now fly away butterfly as high as you can go,
I'm right there with you more than you know.

By Jill Haley

Florida Monarch Butterfly Farm, P.O. Box 48966, St. Petersburg, FL 33743-8966

Telephone: (877) 268-8882 Toll Free, Pinellas/Hillsborough: (727) 381-1932

Website: http://www.floridamonarch.com

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